Local Committee National Training


The National Training is our most important and exciting training of the year, created for and by Local Committees! Over 100+ student leaders from across Canada who share the same passion for education, international development, and youth engagement are invited. Members return to campus with newfound skills to help them lead their WUSC Local Committee to achieve its goals during the upcoming school year.

It’s a valuable opportunity for WUSC Local Committee members from across the country to connect with each other, but also: 



From August 23 to 25, 2024, we will be hosting this year's national training for WUSC Local Committees in Ottawa,  partnership with the McCall MacBain Foundation and World Education Services

Your WUSC Local Committee can send ONE member who will return to your campus with the enhanced skills to make your Local Committee even more of a change-making force. Priority should be given to someone that has not attended a WUSC in-person training before.

Important details:


1. Email us at campus@wusc.ca to let us know the member who has been selected to represent your Local Committee as soon as possible, before July 10, 2024. Please copy (cc:) the other members of your Local Committee in the email. 

2. We’ll send you an online registration form to fill out and key information to help you plan.


The sessions focus on the interlinkage between public engagement, the Student Refugee Program, and Local Committee management. Sessions are designed to be informative and engaging, emphasizing the relationship between the following areas: engaging the public to recruit members and build your Local Committee, to be then able to sponsor students. 

Sessions also aim to strengthen members' understanding and knowledge of WUSC programming and how it impacts their work on campus. All within a positive and inclusive space for WUSC Leaders to connect and share best practices.


Each year, WUSC Local Committees send ONE member who will represent their campus. That person is also somebody who: 


Please read below for Frequently Asked Questions about the Travel Subsidy.

What is the travel subsidy?

The travel subsidy is intended to help Local Committees partially fund their travel to the Ottawa-Gatineau region for the 2024 WUSC Local Committee National Training. Only participants who live outside the Ottawa-Gatineau region are eligible to apply for the subsidy.

In addition to the travel subsidy, each participant from outside the Ottawa-Gatineau region will also receive a dinner allowance of $30.95 for Saturday August 24. 

Participants must register for the National Training and apply for a subsidy by filling out section 4 of the registration form by July 10, 2024. Each Local Committee can appoint one member to attend the 2024 WUSC Local Committee National Training. Only ONE member per Local Committee is eligible to receive the travel subsidy.

IMPORTANT: The appointed member is responsible for arranging their own transportation to and from the Local Committee National Training. WUSC will not be arranging transportation on behalf of participants.

What is the travel subsidy intended to cover?

The travel subsidy is intended to help Local Committees partially fund their travel to the Ottawa-Gatineau region for the 2024 WUSC Local Committee National Training. Only participants who live outside the Ottawa-Gatineau region are eligible to apply for the subsidy.

In addition to the travel subsidy, each participant from outside the Ottawa-Gatineau region will also receive a dinner allowance of $30.95 for Saturday August 24 (Thursday and Friday dinner will be provided).

How do I apply for the travel subsidy?

To receive the travel subsidy, please follow these steps:

How much money will I receive from the travel subsidy?

Travel subsidies will be allocated according to the below departure city. In addition to the travel subsidy, each participant from outside the Ottawa-Gatineau region will also receive a dinner allowance of $30.95 for Saturday, August 24 (Thursday and Friday dinner will be provided). 

Travel subsidies will be allocated as follows:

When will I receive the funds?

You can expect to receive the funds within two weeks of the confirmation of eligibility. 

Where do I send my banking information to receive the funds?

Please email campus@wusc.ca with a copy of the banking details (i.e void cheque or direct deposit form) of your Local Committee.

What are the terms and conditions of the travel subsidy? 

By accepting the travel subsidy, you acknowledge and accept that:

What happens if I can no longer attend the training?

If you are unable to attend the National Training, you must notify WUSC as soon as possible and arrange for another Local Committee member to attend in your place. 

If you are unable to find someone else to attend, then the WUSC travel subsidy must be refunded to WUSC.

What can I do if the travel subsidy is not enough to cover my expenses?

Most universities and colleges provide funding for students to attend conferences and training. You can top up the travel subsidy by applying for these funding opportunities through your institution.

The 2024 WUSC Local Committee National Training is made possible thanks to the support of the McCall MacBain Foundation and World Education Services.